- A collection of experiments I perform during my free time.
- Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and not the views of my employer.
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TCP connection in slow motion
I’ve always been curious about the netstat output: what is the meaning of the different TCP connection states? How the connection transit from a state to another? I am also working on a different post on TCP errors, so I need to understand better the different TCP connection phases.

DLP LightCrafter Display 2000 EVM and BeagleBoneBlack first setup
In this article we will make a first setup of our BeagleBoneBlack and our DLP LightCrafter Display 2000 EVM.

Flash Espruino on ESP8266-01 board
Instructions on how to flash the Espruino system in the ESP8266-01 board using a USB-TTL adapter.

Internal/External temperature sensor with two ESP8266 boards and Espruino
In this article we will use two ESP8266 board to show internal and external temperature in an OLED screen using Espruino and some JavaScript code.

My DLP LightCrafter Display 2000 EVM is here!!!
I’ve finally received my DLP LightCrafter Display 2000 EVM from Texas Instruments. I will use it in some of my projects. Here some pictures of the DLP module: You can watch the official presentation video here.

How to make two ESP8266 communicate through WiFi with Espruino and JavaScript
In this article we will make two ESP8266 communicate using the WiFi network. We will use Espruino and some JavaScript code.

Reading pressure and temperature from a BMP085 using an ESP8266 board and Espruino
In this short tutorial we will read the barometric pressure from the BMP085 sensor using an ESP8266 board and Espruino with some Javascript code.

Showing temperature in a OLED display using Espruino and an ESP8266 board
In this short article I will show you how to read the temperature and the relative humidity from a DHT22 sensor and display it in a 128x64 OLED display using an ESP8266 board with Espruino and JavaScript running on it.